Monday 2 July 2012

Interior Design Portfolio

Projects from my part-time Interior Design course

Term 1  - Colour theory and design.


Project - Hotel Reception


Design Brief - You have been given the floor plans for a hotel reception area.  You are to create a design for the Reception and the Meet & Greet area drawing on all the topics you have studied to date. 

Research and Development

Research into a colour scheme for the project.

 Researching ideas for flooring.


Planning a layout for each area of the reception, decided I wanted to create different zones.


Experimenting with different fabrics that could be used for upholstery and cushions.


 Experimenting with pattern for upholstery to create a modern look.

Final Scheme

 For this scheme I wanted to create different zones within the reception area, which had different atmospheres, but still all linked.  The seating area 1 is fresh and crisp, and seating area 2 is warm and cosy.  I tried to link the areas with colour by using violet in each area and by using the same style of furniture.  I wanted it to be clean and modern, which I feel comes across.

Term 2 - Background to Interior Design.


Project - Period style inspired scheme board


Design Brief - Select a period style from those we have studied.  Using the floor plan given to you, create a scheme board that is sympathetic to your chosen period style, working with the design elements from that period.

I chose to create a scheme inspired from the Georgian period because I liked the softer pastel colours of the period and the delicate style of the furniture.

Research and Development

Looking at putting a modern twist on the Georgian style and looking at the classical style of furniture. 


Looking at modern fabrics and wallpapers that are sympathetic to the Georgian period and researching ideas for a colour scheme.  Ideas of how to present the modern fabrics in a traditional Georgian style window treatment.

Final Scheme

 I am pleased with my final design and feel I have been successful in giving the style a modern twist.  The wallpaper and curtain fabric are modern interpretations of the Chinoiserie style, featuring sprigs of flowers and leaves while still showing the softer Georgian colours.  The design is modernised further with the lighting, which I chose as it was effective in representing the candle lit lighting of the period.  The mirror and photo frames are modern but reflect the Rococo style.  On doing the project again I would definitely introduce a warmer colour, such as a gold or Chinese yellow through accessories, as feel the scheme may be a little cold.

Term 3 - Design Inspiration.

Project - Scheme board created from an inspirational source.

Topics: Industrial; Land, sea, sky; Architecture or Nature.  Collect inspirational source material for one topic and develop a scheme for the plans and brief you have been provided with (below).

Brief for bedroom with en-suite. The room is a master bedroom with an en-suite bathroom, set on the second floor of a semi-detached house.  This is a loft room with velux windows to the front of the property which faces south.  The central area of the room is 2.4mts high, as the roof comes down the ceiling height reduces, this change in height is marked on the floor plan.

Research and Development

  Design Inspiration - Land, sea and sky.
 This was the source I chose to focus my scheme on.  I chose this as it would allow me to experiment with bold colours and materials that I am personally not keen on, and would push me outside my comfort zone. 
Here I was looking into the design elements that can be drawn from the picture.

I started by looking through magazines to find examples of furniture and accessories that would reflect the bright colours and curved shapes seen in the source.  I decided early on that I wanted a light back drop (the sky) with accents of colour (the kites) which is why I focused on predominantly white furniture.

Further research into furniture and accessories that reflected the curved shapes of the kites, and looking at ways of how to bring colour into the design. 

A cut out from a magazine that shows a current trend that has similarities with my design ideas.  To the right is a wallpaper sample that I liked.

Starting to look at a colour scheme, I found the yellow with the different tints of blue was very striking.

Experimenting with different fabrics inspired by the colourful kites and researching ideas for the en-suite, such as the type of bathroom tiles that would work.

Planning the layout of the room where I was conscious not to over-crowd the space to reflect the openness of the sky.  And started to look at where the different wall paints and wallpaper could be used. 

Final Scheme

My main objectives for this design were to reflect the colour and shapes of the kites and the openness of the sky.  I feel I have achieved this through the shape and line of the furniture and accessories, and the vibrant colours of the fabrics.  The framed artwork is great as it just brings a taste of the other colours without over-powering the scheme.    Overall I am very pleased with how the board turned out and feel I have been converted into liking bold schemes!


Modigliani Coursework Project

Project - Produce a unique item in the style of a famous artist.

Research and Development

Research into the history of Modigliani and his work with a reproduction of 'Jeanne Hebuterne in Profile' in oil pastels.

Practise of drawing in the style of Modigliani by reproducing three of his portraits in oil pastels and a pencil sketch.

More practise of drawing in the style and experimenting with different medium.

 Practice in adapting the Modigliani style from old photographs and pencil sketches.

Looking at how to create a portrait in the style of Modigliani with focus on subject positions and background.

Bringing all the research and design ideas together to produce the final ideas of how the finished piece would look.

Final Piece

I am pleased with how the final piece turned out.  It represents the style of Modigliani well but remains totally unique.

GCSE Exam Piece

Project - Produce a set of four illustrations each to include an individual word that reflects an aspect of modern society.

Research and Development

 Researching possible words that could be used.

The four words to be used in the final piece and research into how each word could be represented through a use of different medium.

Further research into how 'Entertainment' could be represented.

Research into how 'Stress' could be represented.

 Research into how 'Addiction' could be represented.

Final Exam Piece

I am pleased with how this exam piece came together.  The words are very relevant to modern society and I feel I represented them well.  I was very proud to receive a 100% mark for this piece at GCSE. 

Recreational Work

Copies of album artwork.

These are two pieces of artwork I did as a birthday gift for my partner who is a big fan of the two metal bands.  They are done in a medium of strong water paints and coloured pencil.  Though they do have a sinister quality to them, I am still very proud of these pieces and enjoyed the intricate shapes and complexity of the painting.